Pull&Bear and Nicki Nicole
Nicki real VS Nicki anime
From Alkimia Animation Studio we are very proud to have been part of this spot for Pull&Bear and Nicki Nicole.
Vampire Studio, one of the most important production companies in Barcelona, contacted us to design and bring to life the anime character of Nicki Nicole, a young trap singer and songwriter from Argentina, who is emerging in the current music scene.
In this Pull & Bear spot, Nicki Nicole coexists with various alter ego versions of herself in anime style. Real world and 2D settings coexist and intertwine with each other to present this new collection of Nicki-inspired clothing.
Nicki Nicole, performing her latest song “La mala vida”, presents her new clothing collection with Pull & Bear.
Pull&Bear and Nicki Nicole
Designing the anime character of Nicki has been a great challenge for our studio and one of the most fun experiences.
Behind all this work, there are many hours of observation and study to achieve not only a physical resemblance to the singer, but also to give life to a character whose real reference is full of charisma and energy.
The theme “La Mala Vida” by Nicki Nicole is the common thread of this whole piece, of great visual strength and color, where western and eastern influences coexist.
If you want to know more about us and our work, you can follow us on instagram.