The first animated short film
Starting point
“Betrayed” is a 2D animated comedy short film that originated as a personal project with two main goals: to have fun and to learn. It is Alkimia’s first fully animated short film developed entirely in-house. We aimed to tell a straightforward, humorous, and simple story.
After this creative process, the brainstorming phase followed. We finalized the story details and began working on the script, storyboard, and character design. As for the style, we aimed to pay a small tribute to one of our greatest inspirations: Hayao Miyazaki.
The traditional technique we used for this short film involves everything from rough animation to clean up and coloring. The entire animation process is done in Toon Boom Harmony, including post-production.
2D Animation Process
Here, we showcase a brief segment of the construction process for this 2D animated comedy short film. At Alkimia, we take pleasure in both the final outcome and the entire journey that leads us to achieve it.
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