Apokatlipsis Cyborn Planet

2D Animated Series

On a planet ravaged by evil and despair… this is what our first 2d animation series is based on. It is about a cyborg cat, an antihero who struggles to survive in an apocalyptic environment. And it will not be an easy task, as he is being pursued by an invisible enemy who wants to destroy all traces of life in a city that is already in ruins. Your only defense? A bionic arm that handles with uncommon dexterity. A weapon much more powerful than we imagine, with which he is able to stand up to whoever stands in his way.

On a planet full of evil and dispair…

Story Board

Interesting, right? With this premise we proposed the header of this anime series, following the 2D animation technique and with enough action and energy that it required to tell a story of these characteristics in just under a minute to capture the audience’s attention. To do this, we focused on an ambitious character design, which required a certain mobility and in an environment that required the creation of certain backgrounds.

The result? A burst of music and color with an unbridled rhythm. A song specifically composed and sung for this project. And with greater difficulty when it comes to capturing their movements and reactions. A job focused on working with details and with which we continue to grow as a studio.

serie 2d storyboard 1

serie 2d storyboard 2
serie 2d storyboard 3
serie 2d storyboard 4

Character Desing

And as for the protagonist, we endow him with a mysterious personality, perhaps with a somewhat haughty character, with a challenging look and agile gait. And yes, her face may not suggest confidence. The perfect combination to not get caught. Will he get off that planet? Or will you prefer to face your enemy? The possibilities of getting away with it are as many as your imagination allows you to think …

series de animación 2d gato cabezas

Serie de animación 2d

Animation process

To create this project we go from the general idea and the scripts to the decision to create an opening. In this video you can see the animatic of this clip.

Like all 2d animation production, we go through various processes until we reach the final result. In this video we can see the rough of the animation.

If you liked the project, you can contact us at our email that is on our home page.

Or by writing to our instagram, where you can also see more designs that we make for this series

Background design